One in vitro failure doesn't rule out the chances of a pregnancy in the next approach
I'm after a failed in vitro
Failed in vitro is a serious blow to the couple who have placed great hopes in this complex and relatively expensive procedure. Although the in vitro fertilization method is highly effective, unforeseen difficulties and obstacles may arise at every stage of treatment. They can be remedied in the majority of cases.
If you are wondering if it is worth trying for the second time, consult a specialist - preferably one who has experience in working with patients after failed IVF. At InviMed clinics we have been helping couples in your situation for years - with great success.
Due to the fact that the causes of failed IVF can be both medical and embryological, all procedures that fail are analyzed by the attending physician and the team of embryologists. By determining the cause of the in vitro failure, we can correctly select the method of treatment and thus increase your chances of having a child.
The most common causes of failure include::
- Repeated implantation failures
- Recurrent miscarriages
- Poor response to hormone stimulation
- Abnormalities in the fertilisation and embryo culture stage
Failures at the level of embryo implantation may be related to a woman's age and lower quality of her oocytes (the follicles also age), reduced ovarian reserve or poor quality of oocytes, not resulting from the advanced age of the patient.
Unsuccessful in vitro - when to undergo the next procedure?
For safety reasons, it is recommended that the interval between successive hormone stimulations and ovarian punctures should not be less than two complete cycles.