Safe and painless infertility treatment
Infertility treatment does not have to involve high costs. Thousands of couples around the world have become parents thanks to insemination, a method of assisted reproduction that is painless and completely safe. Find out how the insemination procedure works and who can use it.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a safe and painless procedure involving the placement in the uterus of a sample of semen that has been previously selected and properly prepared in laboratory conditions. Semen is administered through a thin silicone catheter.
The insemination procedure is aimed at married and heterosexual couples living in informal relationships. Sperm provided by a donor can also be used for insemination.
For whom?
The intrauterine insemination procedure can be used by the couples who:
- despite good fertility results and long efforts to become pregnant remain childless;
- experience idiopathic infertility;
- have at their disposal semen that is slightly beyond the standard (insufficiently motile and with low number of sperm cells);
- experience ejaculation disorders (the male patient) or have been diagnosed with endometriosis (in the 1st or 2nd degree) or with anti-sperm antibodies (female patient).
Effectiveness of insemination
The insemination procedure can be repeated many times - until it is effective- but usually no more than six attempts are made in consecutive monthly cycles. Depending on the patient’s age, the quality of semen used for fertilization and the number of mature follicles after hormone stimulation, the effectiveness of treatment with intrauterine insemination is from 10 to 25% per cycle.